2010-09-14 - the slides from my recent (re-)presentation (with lots of extra bits) at SEC-T 2010, will soon be online! exploit code [...]
2009-12-18 - The slides from my recent presentation at CRESTCon 2009, the 'replacement' for CHECKCon, are now online! exploit code for the demonstrations [...]
:.home.other stuff3.1..
other stuff, sometimes useful.other.stuff
- January 15-10
- is SafeCentral actually unsafe?
[ link ] - June 23-09
- DESLock+ ownage
[ link ] - May 27-09
- The DESLock+ debacle
[ link ] - September 22-07
- bind9, all sweetness and light?
[ link - name.c-diff - dst_api.c-diff ] - September 20-07
- How easy is it to break "random" passwords?, musings on several example algorithms
[ link ]