2010-09-14 - the slides from my recent (re-)presentation (with lots of extra bits) at SEC-T 2010, will soon be online! exploit code [...]
2009-12-18 - The slides from my recent presentation at CRESTCon 2009, the 'replacement' for CHECKCon, are now online! exploit code for the demonstrations [...]
I really like archiving quotes.archived.releases
- January 30-03
- tinyproxy <= Remote Format String
[ tinyproxy-exp.c ] - mu-b - January 30-03
- eXtremail <= 1.2 (beta) Remote Buffer Overflow
[ extremail-v2.c ] - mu-b - August 22-02
- VS.net Web Project File Reveals Website Structure
[ DLA-22-08-2002.txt ] - grazer - June 25-02
- IIS Administration Web Site Redirect
[ DLA-25-06-2002.txt ] - grazer - March 18-02
- MS99-040 Exploit For IE5 & IE6
[ DLA-18-03-2002.txt ] - grazer - March 08-02
- Combined (Remote/Local root) Cobalt XTR Vulnerabilities
[ DLA-02-03-2002.txt ] - grazer - November 01-01
- netkit-telnetd Remote Buffer Overflow (AYT)
[ q1-telnetd.c ] - qitest1 - September 01-01
- AOLserver <= 3.3 Remote Buffer Overflow
[ aolsrv.c ] - qitest1 - July 11-01
- cfingerd <= 1.4.3-8 Remote Buffer Overflow
[ cfingerd0x69.c ] - teleh0r - June 28-01
- xinetd- Remote Buffer Overflow
[ xinetd0x69.c ] - qitest1 - June 25-01
- icecast <= 1.3.7 Remote Vulnerabilities
[ DLA-25-06-2001.txt ] - GoLLuM.no - June 22-01
- eXtremail <= 1.1.5-9 Remote Format String
[ extremail-v1.c ] - mu-b - June 17-01
- GazTek HTTPD <= 1.4 Remote Buffer Overflow
[ ghttpd.c ] - qitest1 - June 12-01
- mdbms <= 0.99bX Remote Buffer Overflow
[ mdbms.tar.gz ] - mu-b - teleh0r - June 05-01
- TIAtunnel-0.9alpha2 Remote Buffer Overflow
[ tiatunnel.c ] - qitest1 - May 05-01
- BeroFTPD 1.3.4(1) Remote Format String
[ beroftpd.c ] - qitest1 - April 25-01
- hylafax-4.0pl2-2 Local Format String
[ hfaxd-fs-exploit.pl ] - teleh0r - April 10-01
- CrazyWWWBoard Remote Buffer Overflow
[ crazywwwb-exploit.pl ] - teleh0r - March 23-01
- ASPSeek Remote Buffer Overflow
[ ASPSeek-exploit.pl ] - mu-b - teleh0r - February 02-01
- jazip v0.32-2 Local Buffer Overflow
[ jazip-exploit.pl - jazip-exploit.asm ] - teleh0r - February 02-01
- Seyon <= 2.1rev4b Local Buffer Overflow
[ seyon-exploit.pl ] - teleh0r - November 09-00
- Poll It <= 2.0 Remote Vulnerability
[ pollit-2.0-exploit.pl ] - teleh0r - October 06-00
- CGI Auction Weaver <= 1.02 Remote Vulnerability
[ auctionwl-exploit.pl ] - teleh0r