2010-09-14 - the slides from my recent (re-)presentation (with lots of extra bits) at SEC-T 2010, will soon be online! exploit code [...]
2009-12-18 - The slides from my recent presentation at CRESTCon 2009, the 'replacement' for CHECKCon, are now online! exploit code for the demonstrations [...]
a good home must be made, not bought.More 0day Disk Encryption Driver Bugs @SEC-T 2010!
Posted on: 2010-09-14
the slides from my recent (re-)presentation (with lots of extra bits) at SEC-T 2010, will soon be online! exploit code for the demonstrations will (yet again) follow very soon!
- September 22-23
- NetIQ/Microfocus Performance Endpoint v5.1 - SIP Remote Denial of Service
[ endpoint-sip-dos.c ] - September 22-23
- NetIQ/Microfocus Performance Endpoint v5.1 - SIP Remote Heap Corruption
[ endpoint-sip-heap.c ] - July 27-23
- NetIQ/Microfocus Performance Endpoint v5.1 - remote root/SYSTEM
[ endpoint-pown.c - endpoint-pown-uni.c ] - April 23-21
- DblTek GoIP GSM Gateway backdoor remote root
[ goip-pown-v3.c - SecurityWeek ] - November 17-19
- ipsec-tools racoon isakmp-frag Remote Denial of Service
[ racoon-frag-dos.c - CVE-2016-10396 ] - October 01-19
- IBM/Trusteer Rapport macOS - Local Kernel ring0 overflow
[ rapport-smash.c - rapport-smash-v2.c - rapport-smash-v2.sh - Dark Reading - CVE-2018-1985 ] - September 13-18
- WebRoot SecureAnywhere macOS - Local Kernel Pointer Overwrite
[ securenowhere-write.c - ZDNet - The Register - CVE-2018-16962 ] - July 27-18
- Utimaco Safeware AG (Sophos) - SafeGuard PrivateDisk Local Kernel ring0 Code Execution
[ safeguard-pdisk-overflow.c - safeguard-pdisk-overflow-v2.c ] - July 24-18
- Oracle Solaris <= 11.3 AVS Local Kernel ring0 Code Execution
[ sdbc-testinit.c - sdbc-testinit-v2.c - ZDNet - The Register - ThreatPost -
Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - July 2018 - CVE-2018-2892 ] - July 23-18
- Silicon Graphics Inc (SGI) - IRIX - rpc.espd Remote File Read Vulnerability
[ irix-espd.c ] - April 13-15
- Apple Mac OS X < 10.9/10? Local Root Exploit
[ osx-irony-assist.m - Rootpipe (Wiki) ] - February 08-11
- DESLock+ <= 4.1.2 vdlptokn.sys Driver Local Kernel ring0 Code Execution
[ deslock-vdlptokn-v3.c ] - January 07-11
- Silicon Graphics Inc (SGI) - IRIX - Local Kernel Memory Disclosure/Denial of Service
[ irix-xlvattrget-dos.c ] - September 16-10
- Utimaco Safeware AG (Sophos) - SafeGuard PrivateDisk Local Kernel Device 'unmount' Exploit
[ safeguard-pdisk-unmount.c ] - September 16-10
- Utimaco Safeware AG (Sophos) - SafeGuard PrivateDisk Local Kernel Device header 'overwrite' Exploit
[ safeguard-pdisk-write-header.c ] - September 14-10
- SEC-T 2010: "Vulnerabilities in Full/Virtual Disk Encryption Products"
[ presentation (pdf) ] - May 26-10
- SecurStar DriveCrypt <= 5.4 Local Kernel ring0 Code Execution
[ drivecrypt-dcr.c - BID-45750 ] - May 26-10
- SecurStar DriveCrypt <= 5.4 Local Kernel Arbitrary File Read/Write Exploit
[ drivecrypt-fopen.c ] - April 26-10
- NovaSTOR NovaNet <= 12.0 Remote Memory Read/Denial of Service
[ novanet-read.c - BID-39693 ] - April 26-10
- NovaSTOR NovaNet <= 12.0 Remote Code Execution
[ novanet-own.c - novanet-own-lnx.c - CVE-2009-0849 - BID-39693 ] - April 26-10
- NovaSTOR NovaNet/NovaBACKUP Network <= 13.0 Remote Denial of Service
[ novanet-dos.c - BID-39693 ] - January 15-10
- is SafeCentral actually unsafe?
[ link ] - January 15-10
- Authentium SafeCentral <= 2.6 shdrv.sys Local Kernel Denial of Service/ring0 Code Execution
[ safecentral-unharden.c - BID-37939 ] - January 15-10
- Authentium SafeCentral <= 2.6 shdrv.sys Local Kernel ring0 Code Execution
[ safecentral-unharden-v2.c - BID-37939 ] - December 22-09
- CRESTCon 2009: "[Win32] Full/Virtual Disk Encryption Vulnerabilities"
[ presentation (pdf) ] - October 02-09
- VMware Fusion <= 2.0.5 vmx86 kext Local Kernel Denial of Service
[ vmware-pop.c - CVE-2009-3282 - BID-36579 ] - October 02-09
- VMware Fusion <= 2.0.5 vmx86 kext Local Kernel Root Exploit
[ vmware-fission.c - CVE-2009-3281 - BID-36578 ] - August 10-09
- DESLock+ <= 4.0.2 dlpcrypt.sys Driver Local Kernel Denial of Service
[ deslock-dlpcrypt-v2.c ] - August 10-09
- DESLock+ <= 4.0.3 vdlptokn.sys Driver Local Kernel ring0 Code Execution
[ deslock-vdlptokn.c ] - August 10-09
- DESLock+ <= 4.0.3 vdlptokn.sys Driver Local Kernel Denial of Service
[ deslock-vdlptokn-v2.c - CVE-2008-4362 ] - June 23-09
- DESLock+ ownage
[ link ] - June 23-09
- B-Labs Bopup Communication Server <= Remote Buffer Overflow
[ bopup-down.c - CVE-2009-2227 ] - June 18-09
- DESLock+ 4.0.2 dlpcrypt.sys Driver Local Kernel ring0 Code Execution
[ deslock-dlpcrypt.c - CVE-2009-4832 - BID-35432 ] - May 27-09
- The DESLock+ debacle
[ link ] - May 14-09
- Apple Mac OS X xnu <= 1228.x workqueue Index Validation Vulnerability
[ xnu-workq-v2-64.c - iDEFENSE-797 - Apple Mac OS X Security Update 2009-002 - CVE-2008-1517 - BID-34959 ] - May 13-09
- ipsec-tools racoon isakmp-frag Remote Denial of Service
[ racoon-isakmp-dos.c - CVE-2009-1574 - BID-34765 ] - May 02-09
- Sun Solaris 10/OpenSolaris <= snv_113 dtrace Local Kernel Denial of Service
[ solaris-dtrace-dos.c - CVE-2009-1478 - BID-34753 ] - May 02-09
- Sun Solaris 10/OpenSolaris <= snv_113 fasttrap Local Kernel Denial of Service
[ solaris-fasttrap-dos.c - CVE-2009-1478 - BID-34753 ] - April 19-09
- CanSec 2009: "Bug classes we have found in *BSD, OS X and Solaris kernels"
[ presentation (odp) - presentation (pdf) ] - March 30-09
- Apple Mac OS X xnu <= 1228.x hfs-fcntl Local Kernel Root Exploit
[ xnu-hfs-fcntl-v2.c - xnu-hfs-fcntl-v2.sh - CVE-2009-1235 - BID-34203 - informationweek.com -
Heise-Security ]